Professional contractors very rarely make mistakes when performing contractual duties. However, like in any other profession, accidents are bound to happen. When such instances occur, clients find themselves in a precarious situation where the client feels aggrieved, but there is no clear direction to take. In most cases, the contractor takes charge of the damages resulting from the crew’s activities. In some instances, however, the client must resolve the issues with insurance officers. In such a case, every customer is advised to be conversant with the claims and recovery process. Otherwise, it is recommended that the customer seeks professional help.
Insured Contractors
Each licensed contractor should be insured and bonded at the very least. It helps ensure that the contractor, should damage occur, can fully cover the costs of the damages. At the same time, it ensures that the customer can rest assured that damages to property will be duly compensated. However, the onus of ensuring the contractor is insured on the client is in case the client is worried about what to do if a contractor damages your property. The client needs to check with the contractor on their insurance status. It is not enough to ensure that the contractor is insured but that the value of the cover is in line with the requirements of the area where the client is located. The information on insurance regulations and requirements can be obtained from the local building department. Employing an insured contractor assures the client that should damages occur, the property damages will be compensated in full. At the same time, the client gets an assurance that the terms stated in the contract with the building contractor will be met. Clients get compensated using the surety provided, or the insurance company will take up the task of compensating the client; what matters most is that the client knows what to do if a contractor damages their property.
Payment for Damaged Property
When damages occur, the client must know what to do if a contractor damages their property; first, contact the contractor. Clients need to notify the contractor of any damages before proceeding further. It allows the contractor to fix the damages caused without going through the extraneous process of expense recovery. However, should the contractor be unable to rectify the issue, the insurance covers the damages should the contractor be insured. At the same time, the contractor may decide to cover the damages themselves, depending on the extent of the damage.
In some cases, however, the contractor refuses to take responsibility for the damages. The reasons for contractor refusal range from pre existing damages to instances where the contractor feels the damage was preexisting. In such cases, the matter gets resolved in the small claims court.
Processing Insurance Claims
Clients should know what to do if a contractor damages their property to take the appropriate steps toward starting the process of compensation. More often than not, the contractor files an insurance claim with the insurers. The client needs to ensure that the contractor receives all the required documentation relating to the damages. The documentation could include photos indicating the extent of the damage or a comparison between the previous and existing state. The documentation helps substantiate the claims by the contractor.
It is not uncommon for contractors to inadvertently damage other people’s property while working on a project. In most cases, the damage is minor and can be easily repaired. However, there are times when the damage is more extensive and expensive to repair. When this happens, the contractor may be held liable for the cost of the repairs.
Subrogation Process
If the client gets injured or the client’s property gets damaged due to your contractor’s negligence, the client may be able to file a claim against their insurance policy. Depending on the severity of the damages, the client has the possibility of recovering compensation for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and more. One gathers evidence of the damages to file a claim against the contractor’s insurance and submits a written demand letter to the insurance company. In the demand letter, a person details the nature of the damages and the compensation amount sought. The insurance company will then have a certain amount of time to respond to the claim.
If the client fails to get satisfied with the insurance company’s response or if the company denies the claim, the client can file a lawsuit. It is important to note that the individual can only recover damages covered by the insurance policy. If the damages exceed the policy limits, the contractor is responsible for paying the difference. If the client is considering filing a claim against the contractor’s insurance, it is essential to speak with an experienced attorney. An attorney can help the client gather evidence, prepare a demand letter, and negotiate with the insurance company. However, the client is usually advised to take up the issue with the client’s insurer, who then takes up the issue with the contractor’s insurer.
What to do in the Meantime
It is expected that while repairs are done in the customer’s place, a solution for temporary accommodation is required. If the client is looking for a short-term rental, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the client needs to find a place that’s in a good location and is close to the things the client will need or want to do, be it work or checking up on the progress of the repair works. Second, the client must ensure the rental is in a safe and secure area. And finally, since the client is already incurring costs for repair, affordability comes into mind.
To start the search, the person checks online listings or asks friends and family for recommendations. Once potential rentals are found, the client is advised to read the reviews and check out the photos to get a sense of the place. When a person is ready to book, get to ask the landlord or property manager about the length of the rental, the price, and any other essential details. Once the lease is signed, the customer is set to enjoy the rental as the repairs get completed.